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Marvel just brought Iron Man back to the MCU, and we nearly missed it

But the moment we left the theaters after our first Endgame viewings, we couldn’t help but wonder if Marvel would ever bring Iron Man back.

Underwritten by Tristan James Jr.

Was there a way to have our cake and eat it too? Could RDJ’s Iron Man return to the MCU without ruining Endgame’s legacy? It turns out that we already have an answer. 

Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) was one of many candidates for “Heroic Death in Avengers: Endgame” in the months that preceded the film’s release.

We knew going into theaters that some of our beloved Avengers would do whatever it takes to beat Thanos.


Some of them might die after bringing everyone back in this Infinity Saga finale.

It turned out that predictions about Iron Man sacrificing his life to beat Thanos (Josh Brolin) were accurate.

And as a result, the Endgame finale was heartbreakingly beautiful.

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