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3 Types of Overthinking & How to Overcome Them


There’s no shortage of situations to overthink in today’s work world.

Whether it’s fretting over the implications of a new market trend, agonizing about the tone of an email to a major client, or losing sleep over an employee’s reaction to feedback, the opportunities for leaders to get trapped in their own heads are endless.

As we have access to more information and higher demands than ever before, it’s no surprise that half to nearly three quarters of adults confess to thinking too much.

After coaching professionals at some of the world’s top companies for over a decade, I’ve observed a common pattern:

Some people who appear outwardly successful tend to overcomplicate everything, layering unnecessary complexity into their decisions, and deliberating far longer than needed.

This tendency is particularly pronounced among a group I refer to as Sensitive Strivers those who are hardwired to process the world around them more deeply and are often their own toughest critics.

Constantly churning thoughts can be exhausting, and if left unchecked, overthinking can contribute to anxiety and burnout.

There’s far-reaching consequences for organizations, too. When individuals or entire teams habitually overthink, it creates a bottleneck. Decision-making slows, opportunities are missed, and a culture of risk-aversion can take hold, stifling business growth.

Clearly, there’s a pressing need for more effective solutions to overcome overthinking in the workplace.

But to truly tackle this issue, it’s important to first acknowledge and understand that there are actually three forms of overthinking: rumination, future tripping, and overanalyzing.

Armed with this knowledge, it’s possible to develop targeted strategies that lead to meaningful and lasting change for workers and the organizations that employ them.

Here’s how to spot and handle each of the three types of overthinking. 


Rumination is best described as a mental loop where you dwell on past events, particularly negative or distressing ones.

Those who ruminate are often caught in a whirlpool of regret, guilt, and “woulda, shoulda, coulda” scenarios.

They review what went wrong, often blaming themselves.

A key aspect of rumination is its orientation towards the past and getting stuck there.

Signs to watch out for:

  • You fixate on negative feedback. 
  • You often bring up past failures, setbacks, or slip-ups in conversation with others.
  • You’re overly cautious, perhaps double or triple-checking your work, because you want to avoid mistakes.

How to address it:  

Counterintuitively, it can be helpful to schedule “worry time.”

Instead of letting rumination overrun your entire day, confine it to a manageable slot usually no more than 15 to 30 minutes.

Choose a time of day that works for you (just not right before bed) and pick a specific place for your worry time.

It could be a particular chair, room, or even a spot in a park.

Divide your worries into two categories: those you can control and those you cannot.

For worries within your control, brainstorm possible actions or solutions.

For example, if you’re worried about meeting a deadline, your action steps could include saying no to another commitment.

Each time an uncontrollable worry arises, try visualization.

Imagine placing the worry in a balloon and releasing it into the sky.

By setting aside a designated time to address these thoughts, you’re not in a constant battle to push them away. You’re simply postponing them to a more convenient time.

If rumination crops up outside your designated worry time, gently remind yourself, “Not now, I’ll tackle this later,” which helps bring greater awareness and control to your thought patterns.

Future tripping

Instead of being trapped in the past, those who are future tripping are concerned about what lies ahead.

While some degree of anticipation is beneficial, future tripping can escalate to the point where it holds you back.

The uncertainty of what might happen, the potential for failure, and the fear of the unknown can make it a challenging form of overthinking. 

Signs to watch out for:

  • You spend excessive energy planning for every possible scenario to feel prepared for any eventuality. 
  • You find it hard to celebrate your successes because you’re always thinking about what’s next.
  • You often feel restless or agitated, driven by thoughts of outstanding to-do items.

How to address it: 

Use your ability to look forward to your advantage.

Mentally projecting yourself into the future, beyond the point of your current worries.

For example, Caelin, a marketing manager, is overwhelmed with the launch of a new product.

The deadline is tight, expectations are high, and his team is under significant pressure.

He’s concerned about the campaign strategy, the team’s workload, and potential customer reactions.

Caelin finds a quiet conference room during his lunch break.

He closes his eyes and pictures himself five years from now. He’s in a more senior role, reflecting on his career path.

From this future perspective, Caelin realizes that the product launch was just one of many projects he handled. He’s able to put it in perspective.

While it’s important, it’s not a defining moment of his career.

He recalls how some aspects didn’t go as planned, but also how the team adapted and learned from the experience.

This strategy, known as temporal distancing, can reduce the immediacy and intensity of your concerns, helping you focus on the present with a calmer, more balanced mindset.

You can also choose to practice “selective ignorance” by reducing your exposure to unnecessary stressors.

Be intentional about the information you consume, especially from news sources and social media.

Identify triggers that escalate your future-tripping, such as updates about constant market fluctuations and industry predictions or constantly checking KPI dashboards or financial accounts.

If certain updates or data do not impact your day to day work or decision-making, they might not be necessary.

Prioritize information that you can act upon.


While rumination and future tripping are bound by time one looking back and the other looking forward overanalyzing is centered on depth.

It involves diving incredibly deep into a topic, thought, or situation, often to the point of excess.

While this can sometimes lead to profound insights, more often than not, it results in getting bogged down in details that might not be particularly relevant. 

Signs to watch out for:

  • You procrastinate or delay taking action to research further. 
  • You frequently seek out others’ approval or confirmation, because you lack confidence in your own analysis. 
  • You have difficulty distinguishing between high-priority and low-priority tasks, leading to a backlog of decisions. 

How to address it:

Instead of striving for the perfect choice, aim for one that is “good enough” with an approach known as satisficing.

Once a decision meets your established criteria and is satisfactory, you should go ahead with it, even if a potentially better option might exist.

Compare this to maximizers, who examine every option and keep searching for better alternatives, deals, or outcomes to their own detriment.

Of the two decision making types, maximizers are more prone to overanalyzing, less likely to feel happy with the results of their decisions, and more likely to negatively compare themselves to others.

Key decision criteria principles, guidelines, or requirements help you prioritize the most important variables weighing into a decision.

Your decision criteria can be professional or personal.

For example, let’s say you’re trapped in analysis paralysis around whether or not to offer a new feature for your product or service.

Your decision criteria could include: cost, profitability, effort, risk level, or impact.

Now let’s say, you’re trying to make a personal decision, like whether to move for a new job.

You might consider criteria like how well the role fits your strengths, the salary, or whether the role aligns with your future aspirations.

Select three criteria at most, with one that outranks the others.

If you’re in a group decision making situation, have everyone brainstorm and agree on the criteria together.

It’s important to remember that the goal is not to eliminate all deep thinking, but rather to prevent it from spiraling into the unproductive kind.

Identifying the type of overthinking you or your team is dealing with is the first step in breaking free from its grasp and more crucial than ever when the demand for quick yet thoughtful decision-making is high.

Melody Wilding, LMSW is an executive coach and author of Trust Yourself: Stop Overthinking and Channel Your Emotions for Success at Work. Get a free copy of Chapter One here.

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3 Types of Overthinking & How to Overcome Them


There’s no shortage of situations to overthink in today’s work world.

Whether it’s fretting over the implications of a new market trend, agonizing about the tone of an email to a major client, or losing sleep over an employee’s reaction to feedback, the opportunities for leaders to get trapped in their own heads are endless.

As we have access to more information and higher demands than ever before, it’s no surprise that half to nearly three quarters of adults confess to thinking too much.

After coaching professionals at some of the world’s top companies for over a decade, I’ve observed a common pattern:

Some people who appear outwardly successful tend to overcomplicate everything, layering unnecessary complexity into their decisions, and deliberating far longer than needed.

This tendency is particularly pronounced among a group I refer to as Sensitive Strivers those who are hardwired to process the world around them more deeply and are often their own toughest critics.

Constantly churning thoughts can be exhausting, and if left unchecked, overthinking can contribute to anxiety and burnout.

There’s far-reaching consequences for organizations, too. When individuals or entire teams habitually overthink, it creates a bottleneck. Decision-making slows, opportunities are missed, and a culture of risk-aversion can take hold, stifling business growth.

Clearly, there’s a pressing need for more effective solutions to overcome overthinking in the workplace.

But to truly tackle this issue, it’s important to first acknowledge and understand that there are actually three forms of overthinking: rumination, future tripping, and overanalyzing.

Armed with this knowledge, it’s possible to develop targeted strategies that lead to meaningful and lasting change for workers and the organizations that employ them.

Here’s how to spot and handle each of the three types of overthinking. 


Rumination is best described as a mental loop where you dwell on past events, particularly negative or distressing ones.

Those who ruminate are often caught in a whirlpool of regret, guilt, and “woulda, shoulda, coulda” scenarios.

They review what went wrong, often blaming themselves.

A key aspect of rumination is its orientation towards the past and getting stuck there.

Signs to watch out for:

  • You fixate on negative feedback. 
  • You often bring up past failures, setbacks, or slip-ups in conversation with others.
  • You’re overly cautious, perhaps double or triple-checking your work, because you want to avoid mistakes.

How to address it:  

Counterintuitively, it can be helpful to schedule “worry time.”

Instead of letting rumination overrun your entire day, confine it to a manageable slot usually no more than 15 to 30 minutes.

Choose a time of day that works for you (just not right before bed) and pick a specific place for your worry time.

It could be a particular chair, room, or even a spot in a park.

Divide your worries into two categories: those you can control and those you cannot.

For worries within your control, brainstorm possible actions or solutions.

For example, if you’re worried about meeting a deadline, your action steps could include saying no to another commitment.

Each time an uncontrollable worry arises, try visualization.

Imagine placing the worry in a balloon and releasing it into the sky.

By setting aside a designated time to address these thoughts, you’re not in a constant battle to push them away. You’re simply postponing them to a more convenient time.

If rumination crops up outside your designated worry time, gently remind yourself, “Not now, I’ll tackle this later,” which helps bring greater awareness and control to your thought patterns.

Future tripping

Instead of being trapped in the past, those who are future tripping are concerned about what lies ahead.

While some degree of anticipation is beneficial, future tripping can escalate to the point where it holds you back.

The uncertainty of what might happen, the potential for failure, and the fear of the unknown can make it a challenging form of overthinking. 

Signs to watch out for:

  • You spend excessive energy planning for every possible scenario to feel prepared for any eventuality. 
  • You find it hard to celebrate your successes because you’re always thinking about what’s next.
  • You often feel restless or agitated, driven by thoughts of outstanding to-do items.

How to address it: 

Use your ability to look forward to your advantage.

Mentally projecting yourself into the future, beyond the point of your current worries.

For example, Caelin, a marketing manager, is overwhelmed with the launch of a new product.

The deadline is tight, expectations are high, and his team is under significant pressure.

He’s concerned about the campaign strategy, the team’s workload, and potential customer reactions.

Caelin finds a quiet conference room during his lunch break.

He closes his eyes and pictures himself five years from now. He’s in a more senior role, reflecting on his career path.

From this future perspective, Caelin realizes that the product launch was just one of many projects he handled. He’s able to put it in perspective.

While it’s important, it’s not a defining moment of his career.

He recalls how some aspects didn’t go as planned, but also how the team adapted and learned from the experience.

This strategy, known as temporal distancing, can reduce the immediacy and intensity of your concerns, helping you focus on the present with a calmer, more balanced mindset.

You can also choose to practice “selective ignorance” by reducing your exposure to unnecessary stressors.

Be intentional about the information you consume, especially from news sources and social media.

Identify triggers that escalate your future-tripping, such as updates about constant market fluctuations and industry predictions or constantly checking KPI dashboards or financial accounts.

If certain updates or data do not impact your day to day work or decision-making, they might not be necessary.

Prioritize information that you can act upon.


While rumination and future tripping are bound by time one looking back and the other looking forward overanalyzing is centered on depth.

It involves diving incredibly deep into a topic, thought, or situation, often to the point of excess.

While this can sometimes lead to profound insights, more often than not, it results in getting bogged down in details that might not be particularly relevant. 

Signs to watch out for:

  • You procrastinate or delay taking action to research further. 
  • You frequently seek out others’ approval or confirmation, because you lack confidence in your own analysis. 
  • You have difficulty distinguishing between high-priority and low-priority tasks, leading to a backlog of decisions. 

How to address it:

Instead of striving for the perfect choice, aim for one that is “good enough” with an approach known as satisficing.

Once a decision meets your established criteria and is satisfactory, you should go ahead with it, even if a potentially better option might exist.

Compare this to maximizers, who examine every option and keep searching for better alternatives, deals, or outcomes to their own detriment.

Of the two decision making types, maximizers are more prone to overanalyzing, less likely to feel happy with the results of their decisions, and more likely to negatively compare themselves to others.

Key decision criteria principles, guidelines, or requirements help you prioritize the most important variables weighing into a decision.

Your decision criteria can be professional or personal.

For example, let’s say you’re trapped in analysis paralysis around whether or not to offer a new feature for your product or service.

Your decision criteria could include: cost, profitability, effort, risk level, or impact.

Now let’s say, you’re trying to make a personal decision, like whether to move for a new job.

You might consider criteria like how well the role fits your strengths, the salary, or whether the role aligns with your future aspirations.

Select three criteria at most, with one that outranks the others.

If you’re in a group decision making situation, have everyone brainstorm and agree on the criteria together.

It’s important to remember that the goal is not to eliminate all deep thinking, but rather to prevent it from spiraling into the unproductive kind.

Identifying the type of overthinking you or your team is dealing with is the first step in breaking free from its grasp and more crucial than ever when the demand for quick yet thoughtful decision-making is high.

Melody Wilding, LMSW is an executive coach and author of Trust Yourself: Stop Overthinking and Channel Your Emotions for Success at Work. Get a free copy of Chapter One here.

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10 Countries Facing Underreported Crises You Need to Know About in 2023


A question for you: have you heard about Zambia’s escalating HIV crisis? No?

Well what about Angola experiencing one of the most intense droughts in its history, have you heard anything about that?

If not, it’s not surprising, because nor have a lot of people.

Despite the world having this wonderful access to information technology where news and stories can be shared globally with just the click of a button, some of the most crucial stories and events are going overlooked.

lobal media attention can be both fickle and fleeting and, often depending on where a crisis is happening or who the people are being impacted, the threat to lives and the urgent action needed can often go unnoticed or underreported.

This in turn, can affect the political and humanitarian attention that each crisis receives.

Humanitarian agency CARE International released a report this month called,

 Breaking the Silence: The 10 most underreported humanitarian crises of 2022.

The report dives into the crises that are impacting millions of people yet received the least media coverage of the past year they found that all of them are on the African continent

CARE’s research compares the coverage of these crises to the coverage of major pop culture moments, and the results are… revealing. 

In Malawi, for instance, 5.4 million people are facing an acute hunger crisis as a result of tropical storms such as Cyclone Ana with 2,330 articles written about the crisis.

That might sound like quite a lot — until you compare it with the 217,529 articles written about the Chris Rock/Will Smith incident at last year’s Oscars.

That’s almost 93 times more articles than the hunger crisis in Malawi. 

According to CARE, the main reason these humanitarian crises don’t get more attention is because they often don’t suit the criteria of being compelling enough news, which, according to experts CARE consulted for the report,

“prioritize dramatic, timely, familiar, unambiguous, and easy to explain stories, which are assumed to resonate with their target audiences.” 


But now more than ever, as the climate crisis wreaks havoc, the refugee and displacement crisis is the worst it’s been in decades, the global food crisis leaves millions going hungry every day, and conflict is raging across countries and continents we can all play a part in making sure all crises get the attention they need.

And how do we do that? We asked Emily Janoch, Senior Director for Thought Leadership, Knowledge Management, and learning at CARE USA.

“As an individual, diversify your news sources.

Look at what you consume, click on, and share.

If that hasn’t covered one of these crises, start thinking about why, and who might be covering those issues,” she said.

“Also look at who is telling the story,” she added. “Is it someone who is impacted by the crisis?

Does it show the people involved as humans who can act and who deserve better? Or does it only treat them (especially women) as victims?”

Let’s start with learning more about 10 of the world’s crises we need to keep talking about and get involved in taking action to help by heading to the Global Citizen app and taking our “Neglected Crises: Raise Your Voice” challenge.

1. Angola: Drought, Hunger & Displacement

Southern Angola is experiencing its most damaging drought in 40 years.

This is a result of rising temperatures, with CARE reporting that there’s potential for these droughts to be more frequent due to climate change.

The droughts are causing climate migration, and have impacted food insecurity resulting in 3.8 million people not having enough to eat.

It also doesn’t help that Angola is also one of the countries with the highest food price increases as a result of the war in Ukraine.

2. Malawi: Cyclones, Cholera & Hunger

An image taken from a slight distance of healthcare workers in protective gear assisting at least one person visible in the image with their child. The worker furthest from the camera stands near an IV drip.

Health workers treat cholera patients at the Bwaila Hospital in Lilongwe central Malawi on Jan. 11, 2023.

Malawi’s cholera outbreak has now claimed more than 1,000 lives by Tuesday, Jan. 25, 2023 according to the country’s health minister, who warned that some cultural beliefs and hostility towards health workers are slowing down response efforts.

We’ve mentioned that 5.4 million people in Malawi are experiencing an acute hunger crisis as a result of damaging cyclones.

We also need to mention that Malawi’s health care system is under strain due to rising HIV cases and intense cholera outbreaks, seen as a result of not enough access to clean drinking water. 

3. Central African Republic: Conflict & Climate Change

One in two people in the Central African Republic don’t have enough to eat.

The changing weather conditions have impacted the soil that the country’s food grows from, while storms and floods have destroyed thousands of homes and left 10,000 children without schools to attend.

The country has also experienced unceasing conflict since 2013, which has resulted in a severe refugee crisis with over 740,000 people seeking refuge across the borders and 500,000 people experiencing internal displacement.

4. Zambia: Increased Poverty, HIV & GBV

More than half the Zambian population lives in extreme poverty — meaning living on less than $1.90 a day and the country is experiencing some of the worst malnutrition rates in the world as a result of economic instability and the climate crisis affecting agriculture.

Meanwhile, more than 10% of people have recently been infected with HIV and, in 2021, around 19,000 people died of AIDS in the country.

Gender-based violence is also highly prevalent in the country, particularly following the #COVID19 pandemic and lockdowns that also saw economic hardship increase across the country.

5. Chad: Unrest & Floods

A top view of one of the biggest camp for people displaced by Islamist extremists in Maiduguri, Nigeria on Aug. 28, 2016.

Droughts, flooding and a shrinking Lake Chad caused in part by climate change is fueling conflict and migration in the region and needs to better addressed, a report said Thursday, Jan. 19, 2023.

Armed conflicts and insurgency have remained a major issue in the Sahel region of North Africa for several years, and right now, 6.1 million people in the region are in need of humanitarian aid as a result.

Chad is also experiencing serious blows from the impacts of climate change, as irregular rainfall has impacted agriculture, increasing malnutrition and hunger, and extended rain periods resulting in catastrophic flooding. 

6. Burundi: Economic Crisis & Natural Disaster

Over 70% of Burundi’s people live below the poverty line, and 1.8 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance due to the lack of safe drinking water and inadequate access to health care.

Climate migration has also been a major issue, with 85,000 people being forced to leave their homes following extreme flooding.

6. Burundi: Economic Crisis & Natural Disaster

Over 70% of Burundi’s people live below the poverty line, and 1.8 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance due to the lack of safe drinking water and inadequate access to health care.

Climate migration has also been a major issue, with 85,000 people being forced to leave their homes following extreme flooding.

7. Zimbabwe: Climate Shocks & Increased Poverty Rates

A vendor counts her money after making a sale in Harare, Thursday ,June, 2, 2022. Rampant inflation is making it increasingly difficult for people in Zimbabwe to make ends meet.

Since the start of Russia’s war in Ukraine, official statistics show that Zimbabwe’s inflation rate has shot up from 66% to more than 130%.

The country’s finance minister says the impact of the Ukraine war is heaping problems on the already fragile economy.

High inflation and economic instability mean more than half the Zimbabwean population is living in extreme poverty.

The climate crisis, including intense drought periods followed by heavy rainfall, have impacted food production and food security, resulting in food shortages and insecurity across the country.

8. Mali: Conflict & Climate Crisis

Ongoing violence and two coups in 2020 and 2021 have led to citizens fleeing the country in large numbers resulting in 2.5 million children dropping out of school, and exposing women and girls to the threat of sexual violence.

The climate crisis has also hit Mali hard, with floods and droughts contributing to crop failure and increasing malnutrition and hunger in the country. 

9. Cameroon: Displacement, Conflict & Economic Instability

Cameroon has faced crisis after crisis over the last decade, and currently 3.9 million people are in need of emergency humanitarian assistance that’s around 14% of the country.

There has been ongoing conflict and political unrest since 2016, resulting in 3,000 schools closing down, and citizens becoming internally displaced this despite the fact that there is already a large influx of refugees entering Cameroon to escape violence in the neighboring Central African Republic.

Water and sanitation is also a major issue, with 1.8 million people unable to access clean water. 

10. Niger: Hunger & Lack of Development

“In general, Niger is a country of records: one of the hottest countries, it has the highest fertility rate, and the highest population growth in the world,”

The Report Highlights.

Yet, despite these records, little to no investment has been made into the country’s development and climate adaptation.

Natural disasters such as droughts, together with ongoing conflict and insurgency, have led to food instability 4.4 million people are acutely food insecure, and half the country’s children under the age of 5 are chronically malnourished. 

Now you’re done reading, don’t forget to head to the Global Citizen app and take our “Neglected Crises: Raise Your Voice” challenge to learn more about these crises, quiz yourself on what you’ve learned, and take our pledge to play your part in making sure all the world’s crises get the attention they need and deserve.

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COP28: Everything You Need to Know About the 2023 UN Climate Change Conference


The COP28 climate summit in Dubai, November 2023. Here’s what you should know.

Many countries had their representatives at the COP28, and still yet are with less or zero knowledge about what really went down well, here’s a brief recap if you fall into this category just a two minute read.

The climate crisis has been hard at work throughout 2023. Wildfires in Argentina and Canada.

Flooding in India, Cameroon, and Libya. Extreme heat across the US, Europe, and Asia.

A cyclone in Myanmar. A tropical storm hitting Japan, Guam, the Philippines, and Taiwan. The list goes on.

This is not exactly the kind of sentence you’d expect from a qualified climate expert, a group that prefers the more austere language of hard facts.

Yet, these days, “climate scientists are struggling for words,” writes climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe.

Instead, she’s started replying to questions about the latest extreme weather event or report about how dire things are with: “I am running out of original things to say.” 

This year’s COP is a significant milestone: the first assessment of how countries are faring against emissions cutting commitments made at Paris in 2015 (known as the Paris agreement).

This process is known as the “global stocktake.” 

In case you’re wondering, this global stocktake isn’t going to tell us anything we don’t already know.

We are well off track to make the emissions cuts needed to stay within 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Political leaders continue to back the fossil fuel industry even as forests burn, the ocean heats up, permafrost melts, and lives and livelihoods are lost.

According to the Guardian, a diplomat from one developed country said: “It could not be much worse.” Another said: “You could not make this stuff up.”

The timing couldn’t be more crucial.

Here’s everything you need to know about COP28 and why we can’t afford for it to be a flop.

What is a COP?

COP is an annual climate summit convened by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), a climate body of the UN. 

COP stands for Conference of the Parties — meaning a gathering of countries and 2023 will be the 28th time that it’s taken place. Hence: COP28.

When will COP28 take place?

COP28 was held from Nov. 30 to Dec. 12, 2023.

Where will it take place?

In Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Some have been skeptical of this given that the UAE has the third biggest net-zero-busting plans for oil and gas expansion in the world.

What really goes on at a COP?

It depends. 

When the Paris agreement was signed in 2015, it was agreed that every five years countries would return with more ambitious plans to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and tackle global warming.

The #COVID19 pandemic caused COP to be canceled in 2020, making COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland, in 2021, one of the “big COPs.”

The “small COPs,” held in the intervening years, tend to focus on laying the groundwork for negotiations.

COPs usually open with a ceremonial opening meeting.

This is then followed by days of world leaders on stage talking about climate change, generally concentrating either on what their countries intend to do about it or on the dire consequences they are experiencing.

The remaining days have themes such as finance and energy and see politicians and business leaders stepping up to announce various new promises, pledges, coalitions, and projects.

But outside the doors, activists usually rage against superficial commitments and rally against political inaction. 

This time, there’s been significant outrage after it was leaked to the Guardian that the UAE’s state oil company has been able to read emails to and from the COP28 climate summit office and was consulted on how to respond to a media inquiry.

Remind me, what was agreed at Paris?

Under the landmark Paris agreement at COP21 in 2015, nations committed to holding global heating to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre industrial levels, and preferably limiting warming to 1.5 degrees.

Though the deal is legally binding, the commitments that countries have made to cut their emissions are not, unless they are enshrined into national or regional legislation. 


Who takes part?

The attendees at COP are dignitaries and Heads of State and Government as well as tens of thousands of government delegates and representatives of civil society, intergovernmental organizations, NGOs, and the media.

There are 197 parties which are broadly organized in five regional groups: Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Western Europe and Other States (including Australia, Canada, and the US).

At the cluster of COP side events, climate change leaders, experts, and influencers gather to share their stories and solutions at panel discussions, exhibits, cultural events, and more.

What happened at COP27?

After two weeks of fraught negotiations, a “historic pact” was struck at COP27 in which developed countries, which are historically responsible for the climate emergency, agreed to provide climate finance to help poorer countries experiencing climate-related disasters, known as a loss and damage fund.

Alok Sharma, the UK President of COP26, was more scathing about how the conference fared.

“I said in Glasgow that the pulse of 1.5 degrees was weak. Unfortunately, it remains on life support,” he said.

What do we want to happen at COP28?

An End to Fossil Fuels

That means support for the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty from world leaders to ensure a Just Transition away from fossil fuels, an end to fossil fuel subsidies, and robust taxing of remaining fossil fuel production.

Cough Up the Climate Finance 

Now isn’t the time for baby steps, it’s time to go big: fund a Just Transition in all countries, help countries adapt to climate change, and fund loss and damage.

Protect Climate Activists and Environmental Defenders

Almost 2,000 environmental activists have been killed over the past decade.

We need a human rights approach to all aspects of climate action.

What can Global Citizens do to help?

Head to our climate action headquarters here to see what actions you can take to make a difference whether that’s signing petitions urging world leaders and businesses to do better on the climate crisis, sending emails to G20 ministers, or shooting off messages to European countries to support a green transition for all.

The world belongs to each and everyone of  us, so we must join hands together to fight and protect it as our only hope for inhabitant.

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Global Gamers Challenge (Hackathon 2024)

Global Citizen 45’MEDIA

We know Flutter devs love a good challenge, so just in time for the new year to really get going, we’re super excited to announce the next Flutter challenge!   

The Global Gamers Challenge is an 8-week contest to design, build, and publish sustainable games, sponsored by Flutter and Global Citizen.  Inspired by the mission of the United Nations-facilitated Playing for the Planet Alliance, which Google joined in 2023, international advocacy organization Global Citizen and Flutter, Google’s open-source framework for building multi-platform applications are partnering to host the Global Gamers Challenge. 

What are sustainable games?

Sustainable games use the power of play to inspire positive environmental action. Imagine Candy Crush, but instead of crushing candies, you’re crushing plastic pollution! Or picture a game like Super Dash, but instead of collecting acorns, you’re turning off lights left on. Here are some more ideas inspired by Global Citizen campaigns running right now!

Encourage a reduction in home energy use

  • Data shows that American homes use an average 3x more kwh than the average home across the rest of the globe. Can you build a game that helps to reduce people’s reliance on inefficient energy sources?

Encourage a reduction in use of single-use plastics

  • Southeast Asia has some of the highest levels of plastic pollution in the world. Consider building a game that encourages players to make swaps to reduce reliance on single-use plastics.

Encourage use of public transportation and overland options for longer distances

  • Europe is home to many of the world’s greatest public transportation systems. Effective games can encourage people to use public transit rather than overland transport, like taking the train rather than flying for longer distances.

Just like Global Citizens do every day, we’re confident that games can encourage players to take small actions for the environment that when done collectively, lead to a large impact. 

Tips on Getting Started!


Play Super Dash, a game we built to inspire you for this challenge. Help Dash capture the golden feather and watch nature be restored as she avoids enemies!


Winners will receive a trip to NYC in September 2024 to meet the Flutter team for a day of workshops and mentorship followed by the opportunity to celebrate their achievements with up to 60,000 other Global Citizens at Global Citizen Festival 2024! 


If you’re up for extra credit, we’ve partnered with Google Wallet to offer an additional challenge to deploy an innovative integration of the Google Wallet API in your game. For eligible apps that feature Google Wallet, you will have a chance to win up to $30,000! 

Whether you’re a Flutter developer who’s new to games, a game developer who is new to Flutter, or new to both game development and Flutter, you’re bound to learn something new while creating a positive impact on the world!

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Young Thug Surprises 21 Savage With Custom Truck Worth $150K for His Birthday

Underwritten by Tristan James Jr.

In honor of 21 Savage’s 29th birthday, his good friend Young Thug marked the occasion by gifting the “Bank Account” MC a custom Dodge Hellcat TRX worth $150,000.

As TMZ points out, the Hellcat on its own already ranges between $60K and $70K, but an extensive video demonstrates that 21’s bright red pickup is completely customized to the fullest extent, hence the hefty price tag.

His name “21” is inscribed on the side of the truck along with multiple dagger logos. 21’s face has also been stitched into the truck’s headrests, along with glow-in-the-dark stars and an illuminating “21” stitched into the ceiling of the vehicle. 

“better sit down somewhere.”


The party, which 21 named “FreakNik 21,” actually later incurred legal copyright threats from the Atlanta festival company of the same name.

“Sucks we gonna have to sue them when all we asked that they acknowledged us since it was a free event and they declined,” FreakNik’s official Twitter account wrote. 

The truck was bought and designed from Roadshow International, a luxury car dealership located in Atlanta where 21 had a crazy birthday party this past weekend, TMZ reports. A reaction video on Instagram shows 21 smiling as he playfully puts Thugga in a headlock once he reveals his gift.

“Thugga gifted him a glittery and massive custom OVO chain


So know when you hear them talk about we tried to work it out very easily beforehand.

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Listen to the magical sound of Martian wind

Underwritten by Tristan James Jr.

Two microphones aboard the Perseverance Rover have “recorded nearly five hours of Martian wind gusts, rover wheels crunching over gravel and motors whirring as the spacecraft moves its arm,” NASA says.

NASA has launched an interactive resource that allows listeners to hear recordings taken millions of miles away on the surface of the Red Planet.

Although it’s subtle, you don’t have to be a planetary scientist to hear the difference between sounds on Earth and sounds on Mars.

“If you hear one new thing today, how about making it the sound of wind on Mars?”


NASA describes the astro-acoustics of Mars this way: If you were standing on Mars, you’d hear a quieter, more muffled version of what you’d hear on Earth, and you’d wait slightly longer to hear it.

Baptiste Chide is a planetary scientist who is studying the audio’s data at L’Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie in France.

“Martian sounds have strong bass vibrations, so when you put on headphones, you can really feel it.

“It sounds even better if you listen through headphones”


I think microphones will be an important asset to future Mars and solar system science,” Chide says.

David Gruel, one of the experts who study the rover’s audio, says wind on Mars sounds different because of Mars’ unique atmosphere. He spoke with Weekend Edition’s Lulu Garcia-Navarro in March.

The scientists took into account atmospheric pressure, density and chemistry to simulate how the Earth’s sound might change on Mars.

Read more click here👇👇👇


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Markle red-faced over US policy plea Potential security threat to Queen Adorable William video

Underwritten by Tristan James Jr.

Kate and William announced the birth of their first child, Prince George on 22 July 2013, making him heir apparent to the throne. 

His younger siblings, Princess Charlotte, 6, and Prince Louis, 3, will be the “spare” siblings, which could lead to them not having a defined role as royals.

Charles has also reportedly been in plans to drastically “slim down” the monarchy to a team of just seven working royals. 

“Royal commentator Angela Mollard spoke to the Australian morning programme Sunrise hosts about the young royals”


Ms Mollard said: “They’re talking about reducing their kid’s involvement in royal duties.”

It would also mean that less royals would be reliant on the tax-payer-funded Sovereign Grant, and would have to find other means of income

First, it was the ‘Princess Diana Effect’, then it was the ‘Kate Middleton Effect’ and now it’s the royal children’s turn. From gorgeous knitted jumpers to adorable shoes, the royal children have been proclaimed style icons with parents everywhere eager to dress their children just like the Cambridges.

Whether it is Prince George, Princess Charlotte, or Prince Louis, whatever they are seen wearing at an engagement, or in public is guaranteed to be an instant sell-out.

Read more here below👇👇👇

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CRYPTOCURRENCYDollar To Naira Exchange Rate Today 20 October 2021

Underwritten by Tristan James Jr.

According to the data at the FMDQ Security Exchange where forex is traded officially, exchange rate between the naira and the US dollar opened at ₦414.18/$1 on Wednesday October 20, after it closed at ₦414.73 to a $1 on Monday, 18 October 2021.

No Forex rate was shown for Tuesday, October 19, 2021, due to the public holiday declared by the federal government.

The exchange rate for a dollar to naira at Lagos Parallel Market (Black Market) for today, Wednesday, October 20, opened N575.00 to a $1, according to sources at Bureau De Change (BDC).

The official rate today, Wednesday October 20, for $1 dollar to naira = ₦414.18/$1″


The exchange rate between the naira and the US dollar opened at ₦₦414.18/$1 on 20th October 2021 as against how it closed at ₦414.46/$1 on Monday 18th October 2021, showing a decline at -0.07.

Please note that the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) does not recognise the parallel market (black market), as it has directed individuals who want to engage in Forex to approach their respective banks.

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Nicki Minaj, husband face $20M default judgment after failing to respond to lawsuit

Underwritten by Tristan James Jr.

Minaj hired attorney Judd Burstein to attempt to request an extension to respond to the suit.

Burstein sent an email to Hough’s lawyer, Tyrone Blackburn, to withdraw the petition for the $20 million default judgment and asked for more time for the couple to respond, according to The Daily Beast.

The plot thickens in Jennifer Hough’s lawsuit against Nicki Minaj and her husband Kenneth Petty.

Minaj and Perry failed to respond to the suit and a request for a $20 million default judgment has been made as a result.

“I told him to prepare his opposition to my request for default judgment and explain to the court why his client and her husband believe they’re both above the law.”


Petty, who married the Grammy-winning rapper in 2019, was convicted of attempted first-degree attempted rape in 1995.

Hough, who was 16 at the time of the assault, stated that she was being harassed and threatened by Petty and Minaj. Hough indicated that Minaj made attempts to bribe her to recant her story.

After alleged extensive attempts at bribery and subsequent threats after refusal, Hough filed suit against both Minaj and Petty, accusing the couple of “witness intimidation, intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligent infliction of emotional distress, harassment, assault, battery, sexual assault, and sexual harassment,” as reported by Rolling Stone.

“Jennifer Hough is suing Minaj and her husband Kenneth Petty for harassment.”


This past September, Hough discussed Petty and Minaj on an episode of daytime talk show, The Real.

Thinking that if I don’t look a certain way, I won’t attract a certain type of attention. I’ve been like that my whole life.”

Not only did she speak about the lawsuit, but about the lasting effects of the assault, saying she spent her life “hiding within myself — living and surviving through insecurities, using them to protect myself.

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‘WHO’ Approves for Malaria Vaccine in Historic First for Global Health

Underwritten by Tristan James Jr.

The first vaccine for children at risk of malaria has been approved by the World Health Organization, according to a press release.

This groundbreaking achievement could save tens of thousands of children each year in sub-Saharan Africa alone, the primary risk zone for the parasitic disease that kills half a million people annually, half of whom are children.

The vaccine is the first of its kind to fight a disease caused by a parasite, according to the New York Times.

“We have long hoped for an effective malaria vaccine and now for the first time ever, we have such a vaccine recommended for widespread use.”


It’s designed to stop the deadliest of the five primary strains of malaria — P. falciparum and is the result of more than 30 years of research, development, and funding through a partnership between the pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline; Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance; the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria; and Unitaid.

With viruses and bacterial infections, exposure allows a person to develop antibodies that help them fight future infections.

That’s not the case for parasites, which can infect people over and over again. In sub-Saharan Africa, individual children get around six malaria cases per year. Constantly battling malarial infections weakens a child’s immune system and leaves them exposed to other illnesses

“Developing a vaccine for a parasite is much different than developing one for a virus or bacteria.”


In 2019, there were an estimated 229 million cases of malaria and 409,000 deaths around the world. Of those cases and deaths, 94% occurred in Africa. 

The WHO recommends four doses of the vaccine over a period of more than 18 months for children under the age of 5 in moderate- to high-risk areas.

One study found that the vaccine could prevent 5.4 million cases of malaria and 23,000 deaths in children under the age of 5 annually. In combination with existing drugs and techniques to prevent and treat malaria, its efficacy rate increases.

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IRI IJI & DUKE/DUCHESS celebration in Nkwerre L.G.A

Underwritten by Tristan James Jr.

The Lord Duke (Sir. Bennett Nwokejiobi) rightly described as “the master of swag” by a prominent son of the four contingent constituency.

“Never think all you see in man is vain, thoughts emanated it Al…”

Lord Duke & Duchess Bennett Nwokejiobi spotted….at the beginning of the ceremony.

Rt.Hon. Capacity, breathed out in front of the prestigious awards presented to the people for their first and second place runoff on the ‘Soccer League Tournament’ exhibition hosted by the duke himself.

See pictures from below,


Started with floor thanks to City most frequently mentioned Man, the #IKEOHA ONE OF NKWERRE L.G.A.

“The Kingship was given to the people in sometime middle summer of 2005.”


The event which is yet to see any reason for evictions from neighboring states, county’s and countrymen.

One of its biggest. From peak to crowd tier officials of the Armed Forces maintained the same as applicable to all #Covid19 measures.

See more clips below,

At the beginning of the event, more sessions bblow.
Lord Duke, High Chief Sir. Bennett Nwolejiobi
Lord Duke High Chief (Sir. Bennett & Rght. Hon. Capacity. Post event photo section.
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New Suicide Squad Movie and Kill The Justice League’s King Sharks Are Polar Opposites

Underwritten by Tristan James Jr.

Nanaue, more commonly known as King Shark, is an interesting DC character often associated with the Suicide Squad.

However, his background used to be rather murky, so he’s made a ton of appearances in different ways.

Now, with The Suicide Squad movie out and Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League releasing in 2022, it’s easy to see how the two takes on the one character have interpreted his background and made him their own.

“With The Suicide Squad now out, it’s easy to draw comparisons between James Gunn’s King Shark and the upcoming SS: Kill The Justice League’s”


With the release of the movie and the official Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League trailer, the differences between the two stand more than ever.

That obviously comes with the caveat that the movie is out and the full game is not, but there’s quite a few easily notable differences in terms of physical and personality. 

PLEASE NOTE: The following has SPOILERS for the newly-release movie.

RELATED:James Gunn Compares The Suicide Squad’s King Shark To Groot

The Suicide Squad’s King Shark

In the new James Gunn movie, King Shark is perhaps best described as a loveable oaf with a twinge of sadness, serving more often than not as comical relief. He demonstrates his lack of intellect several times by pretending to read a book upside down, when he tries to eat Ratcatcher-2, and by his general lack of vocabulary, but as Amanda Waller puts it, he’s the strongest member on the team.

His strength is great, and the combination allows King Shark to play off Ratcatcher, Bloodsport, and others quite well. It’s even quite sad when his “friends” betray and attack him in the water tank explosion, as well as when members of the Suicide Squad have to leave him behind because he’s a shark.

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Google rolls out ‘pay calculator’ explaining work+from+home salary cuts

Underwritten by Tristan James Jr.

Google has rolled out a new internal calculator to explain potential pay cuts to employees who choose to work remotely — and the early results suggests it will penalize its suburban staffers.

Screenshots obtained by Reuters show that Google employees who previously commuted an hour to Google’s Manhattan offices from nearby Stamford, Conn., for example, would see their salaries slashed by 15 percent if they choose to continue working from home.

“Google is slashing pay by up to 25% for some employees who choose to work remotely forever”


Google employees who move even farther away from the company’s offices have been warned they could face even harsher pay cuts.

A worker who left San Francisco for Lake Tahoe, another expensive area of California, would have their pay cut by a whopping 25 percent.

That would mean an employee with a $150,000 salary would suddenly make less than $112,000 per year. 

“News of the Google tool comes amid a broader debate at tech companies about remote work and compensation.”


Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn have all warned employees who plan to leave expensive cities like New York and San Francisco that their pay will be slashed while smaller tech companies like Reddit and Zillow say they’ll pay the same regardless of where employees live. 

The calculator states it uses US Census Bureau metropolitan statistical areas, or CBSAs. Stamford, Conn., for example, is not in New York City’s CBSA, even though many people who live there work in New York.

Jake Rosenfeld, a sociology professor at Washington University in St. Louis who researches pay determination, said Google’s pay structure raises alarms about who will feel the impacts most acutely, including families.

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Workers fired for being Unvaccinated.

Underwritten by Tristan James Jr.

Rebecca Dixon, executive director at the National Employment Law Project, told MarketWatch that an employee who has proof of a medical exemption or religious objection to receiving the vaccine may still be eligible to collect unemployment benefits if terminated.

The New York Times reported that other large companies — including Facebook and Google — have said they will require employees to be vaccinated in order to return to the office.

Some companies, including The Washington Post, have made vaccination a condition of further employment; however, few have given details about the consequences of violating vaccine requirements.

“As people continue to return to the office amidst the surging Delta variant, more employers are requiring employees to get the COVID-19 vaccination or risk losing their jobs.”


This could lead to tens of thousands of people across the United States without work or access to unemployment benefits because they refuse to get vaccinated, Ronald Zambrano, employment law chair at West Coast Trial Lawyers, a Los Angeles-based law firm, told MarketWatch.

CNN revealed that it had fired three unvaccinated employees for violating the company’s vaccine requirement for in-person workers, according to an internal memo signed by Jeff Zucker, the cable network’s president, obtained by the New York Times.

According to employment law experts, the three former CNN employees likely won’t receive unemployment benefits, reports MarketWatch.

“And, if you refuse to get one and quit or are terminate”


To receive unemployment benefits, most individuals must prove that they are out of work through no fault of their own.

Unemployment benefits may also be unlikely if one quits due to vaccination refusal, although state workforce departments are able to make changes to that eligibility requirement.

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Why does Saladin have such an enduring reputation?

Underwritten by Tristan James Jr.

The desire to avenge this loss triggered the Third Crusade, an expedition launched by the greatest rulers of western Europe, including Richard I (aka Richard the Lionheart) of England.

After years of relentless campaigning, though, the crusaders left for home without accomplishing their primary aim. Despite suffering a number of serious defeats, Saladin held onto Jerusalem.

He died on 4 March 1193, exhausted by the struggle.

“Saladin captures the ‘true cross’ at the battle of Hattin on 4 July 1187, depicted in a medieval illustration.”


Over 800 years later, the sultan commands an extraordinarily enduring reputation across the Muslim world.

His story is woven into the political, religious and cultural landscape as the man who defeated invading westerners and fought for his faith and his people.

Though the victory at Jerusalem is at the heart of his renown, Saladin’s character – or the image formed around his character – is also immensely important. Over the course of his lifetime, Saladin became famous for his generosity, piety, justice and mercy. 

“On 2 October 1187, the sultan Salah ad-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub – known commonly today as Saladin – captured Jerusalem for the people of Islam.”


Though the victory at Jerusalem is at the heart of his renown, Saladin’s character – or the image formed around his character – is also immensely important.

Over the course of his lifetime, Saladin became famous for his generosity, piety, justice and mercy.

And though he undoubtedly benefitted from a cadre of eloquent and persuasive literary admirers, the evidence from those beyond his inner circle – even the writings of his enemies – indicates the prominence of these personality traits, and demonstrates that they were central to his success as the leader of the jihad against the Franks, and as a dynastic empire-builder.

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Who are these new Housemates? Do they have what it takes to overcome these challenges?

Underwritten by Tristan James Jr.


Full name: Gbolahan Ololade

Originally from Ogun State, 26-year-old Kayvee currently resides in Lagos, where he works as a photographer.

His hobbies include playing football, clubbing and playing cards.

He believes he is innovative and fun to be around, and says people call him handsome.

Kayvee says his career high point is when he had the opportunity to photograph one of Nigeria’s biggest artists.

While he likes to experiment with styling and colouring his hair, he says that harassment in the streets has put a damper on this aspect of his life. 

Watch profile video below,

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Day 15: It’s a home invasion! – BBNaija

Underwritten by Tristan James Jr.

Bet you didn’t see that coming! While it was certain that at least one of the Nominated Housemates was going to be on their way, nothing prepared us for the fact that there would be a grand total of three Housemates saying goodbye to the Big Brother House.

There are top-selling music groups with fewer people than that.  After a fortnight in the game, Beatrice, Niyi and Yerins were required to bid the others adieu — although they weren’t really required to do it in French — and get out of there, chop-chop.  “Chop-chop” means 15 seconds, here. Biggie really doesn’t waste much time on long, drawn out goodbyes.

“Beatrice’s Nomination came on the back of her spoiler tactics during the Housemate’s hunt for the two Wildcards”


Then came the second shock — new arrivals. A total of four new Housemates were introduced into the game tonight, meaning that the full complement of Housemates has gone up by one, rather than down. We were pretty sure it was going to move in the other direction. It’s going to start getting a little crowded, at this rate.

The question, then, is who are these new Housemates? Do they have what it takes to overcome these challenges? We dunno. We know nothing more about these folks than you do, but we can tell you that it’s certainly a diverse group that entered the House, tonight. 

Wait for the next Blog; for all the details of BBN new housemates.

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Space Jam 2 Secretly Criticizes 3D Looney Tunes – Theory & Issues Explained

Underwritten by Tristan James Jr.

Space Jam: A New Legacy gave the Looney Tunes a makeover by turning them into 3D/CGI versions, but was the movie secretly criticizing the use of CGI through the Looney Tunes?

The Looney Tunes have gone through a variety of adventures since their debut in 1930, but in 1996 they went through a one-of-a-kind adventure in space in Joe Pytka’s Space Jam.

The movie brought together two different worlds unlikely to cross paths in the real world: the Looney Tunes and professional basketball, this by having Michael Jordan leading the Tune Squad in a life-changing basketball game.

“The biggest, most noticeable change that has sparked a lot of debate among critics and viewers is how Space Jam 2 digitized the Looney Tunes and gave them a 3D/CGI look, which was justified in the story.”


The biggest, most noticeable change that has sparked a lot of debate among critics and viewers is how Space Jam 2 digitized the Looney Tunes and gave them a 3D/CGI look, which was justified in the story.

The Looney Tunes spend the first two acts in their traditional looks, but when the time comes for the big game to start, the villain of the story and leader of the opposing team, Al-G Rhythm (Don Cheadle), gives them a makeover to fit with the digital look of everything else.

Bugs Bunny and company are understandably horrified when they see themselves in 3D form, but could this be a sneaky way from the writers of Space Jam 2 to criticize the use of CGI in recent years?

“However, given a big issue surrounding the animation crew behind Space Jam 2, this theory now seems unlikely.”


In an unexpected (and unprofessional) movie from Warner Bros., the studio didn’t credit the whole 2D animation team, and this issue was quickly pointed out by some of the animators, most notably Dave Alvarez.

In response to this, and in a failed attempt to make up for the “mistake”, Warner Bros. shared the names of the whole 2D animation crew and their “gratitude” to them via the official Space Jam 2 Twitter and Instagram accounts, which only drew more backlash. 

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Kanye West urinates on Grammy Award, says Prince and Michael Jackson were victims of music industry

Underwritten by Tristan James Jr.

In other messages West claimed that he’s the “only person” who can speak on the issue of masters ownership without being cancelled (HotNewHipHop notes that some artists have managed to buy back their masters, including Jay-ZFrank Ocean, and Rihanna).

In Tweets, he compared himself to Moses and the music industry to a “modern day slave ship”. EMI (owned by Sony/ATV) has controlled the rights to West’s work since 2003.

“Let’s get it big bro … you and Michael passed so we can live”


The artist also claimed that Universal won’t tell him how much his masters cost “because they know I can afford to buy them”.

He then went on to say he will stop at nothing, and proceeded to share PDFs of his apparent contracts.

“We used to diss Michael Jackson the media made us call him crazy…then they killed him,”


Yesterday, the billionaire rapper claimed that artists have no control of their actual music after signing a deal, writing: “When you sign a music deal you sign away your rights.

Without the masters you can’t do anything with your own music. Someone else controls where it’s played and when it’s played. Artists have nothing accept the fame, touring and merch.”

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This 65-year-old retiree just moved into a $420 per month apartment in Mexico ‘steps from the beach’ — take a look inside

Underwritten by Tristan James Jr.

Earlier this year, I relocated to a two-bedroom, 1,100-square-foot apartment with 10-foot ceilings, just a few minutes from one of my favorite beaches.

The rent is $420 per month, not including utilities, and here’s what the apartment hunting process was like, and why this is one of my favorite places I’ve lived:

“In 2006, I packed my bags and moved from Santa Cruz, California to Mazatlán, Mexico to start my own business (and eventually retire).”


Finding a rental in Mazatlán, Mexico;

It’s challenging to find a rental here. Near the coast, where everyone wants to live, there’s an increased demand for vacation rentals, from which the owner earns more money (faster) than if they were to rent it out as a one-year lease.

A previous landlord, for example, now rents my old one-bedroom apartment for a three-day weekend for $200 — the same price I paid monthly.

Asking friends and locals is a good way to find something. I also looked on Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist, but found nothing in the area I wanted that was in my budget.

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