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My Hero Academia Reveals Name for Deku’s Vigilante FormBy MEGAN

 The whole of Class 1A has been on the hunt for Izuku ever since he went rogue, and the vigilante has been found at last. 

Underwritten by Tristan James Jr.

Izuku Midoriya has always wanted to be a superhero since he was a kid. Thanks to All Might, these dreams of becoming a pro hero were set on the right path, but things have taken a turn as of late.

With society upturned, Izuku has been fighting solo, and it turns out the My Hero Academia manga has a name for his dark form.

Clearly, Izuku is in a dark place right now, so the name of his current form fits.

“The boy learned that not only did Shigaraki escape the massive raid on the Paranormal Liberation Army, but his allies did too.”


If fans are lucky, the hero will not be stuck in this place for much longer, and we have his classmates to thank.

The whole of Class 1-A has been on the hunt for Izuku ever since he went rogue, and the vigilante has been found at last

According to Horikoshi, he dubs this take on Izuku as Dark Deku, and it is easy to see why.

 “The whole of Class 1-A has been on the hunt for Izuku ever since he went rogue, and the vigilante has been found at last.”


The creator explains in his notes for My Hero Academia volume 31 that Dark Deku describes his physical and mental state. The hero is stuck in a rut when he dons this look, and its sharp designs mirror the splintered state of his psyche.